Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy describes the data collected by Gather Social LLC.

Effective August 13, 2021

Information Provided by You

Throughout your use of the applications, you will be asked to provide data to any of the Gather Social Applications (“Apps”). This information is not limited to your name, date of birth, and other account information. As a user, you also provide information throughout your use of the applications in the form of user inputs. Any messages you send or content and “parties” you create will NOT be publicly available to third parties. Please note that people may use the screenshot capabilities of their devices to capture something you say or create on the Apps.

Device Information

We collect information about the devices you use to access the applications in order to ensure a fully functioning system. This includes network data and device notification tokens. We may add to this list as time goes on and will update this policy to reflect new developments.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information you provide to us to help give you the best experience possible. We ONLY use your email for authentication purposes and we do NOT share your passwords or other sensitive account information. We also do not share chat messages and party chat messages; however, the messages may be used internally by Neurobyte. An example of this use would be to ensure Gather Social is a safe and secure platform. We also may use information you provide to us for third-party advertising.